- Fashion home life and ceative woks, with coloful life.Most of the weight - leg suppot body, Renlaoenyuan, midway oad fa, don't teat it well, to help itTo elieve fatigue.Not want to have the coveted legs? "360 degee omni-diectional U type leg olle massage has 8 ball,360 degee otation design, unique design and good gip, fom the bottom up and down massage scoll, in place pessue design,Like a eal massage in geneal, deep love you leg.The cental pat of the beaing can also otate - ball, let the ball moe obedient leg.In two the compessive laye handshake, fetching and using foce is elatively easy."The opeation is simple and convenient, the use effect is bette afte taking a showe, comfotable and can achieve a double effect of beauty and health.
- mateial: ABS.- size: length 25cm* width 12cm* thickness 3.6cm.- weight: 150g.- Colo: geen, blue.