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ab wheel, 收腹健腹美腿健身轮 双轮

有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2018-11-22 18:38
50.00元/ 台
1 台
99669 台

(发货期限:自买家付款之日起 天内发货)


  • 所在地区:浙江
  • 收藏本公司 人气:612
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    高弹力透明健腹轮, 蓝色黄色可选

    Poduct Desciption:

    With execises suitable fo all fitness levels, ab coe wheels bing stength and flexibility taining to a new level. Used by the US Navy Seals, Pilates studios, and fitness pofessionals, they povide a whole body toning system in a lightweight package. An amazing coe wokout, impove flexibility with unique dynamic stetches, and damatically sculpt the uppe body. By contolling the egonomic olling handles, you engage you coe with each movement, poviding measuable esults in weeks. The wheels allow fo moe push up vaiations and hit the abs fom moe angles than othe simila poducts. With ove 10 simple execises, ab coe wheel ae a vesatile, highly effective and inexpensive way to get in shape. Package includes a pai of wheels, DVD with guided wokouts and an execise wall poste.

    Poduct Featues:

    Vesatile ab and uppe body wokouts appopiate fo both novice and advanced fitness levels

    Study design is tusted by the US Navy SEAL teams, Pilates studios, and majo gyms

    Rolling execises engage moe muscles esulting in stonge abs, coe and ams in just minutes a day

    Compact design tavels and stoes easily; custom wheels will not slip o ma floos

    Includes an attactive wall poste illustating 6 execises plus a DVD featuing 3 complete wokouts: stength, coe & abs, flexibility

    Poduct Details:

    Package Dimensions: 9.6 x 9.5 x 6.1 inches

    Shipping Weight: 3.35 pounds



