Abstom is designed to tim, tone and tighten you uppe abs, lowe abs and even those impossible to tone love handles,all with one easy, pefect motion that makes you wokout moe efficient and moe effective.
Abstom addesses you entie coe and if you use fo a few minutes each day, will tone and tighten you abs poviding you with eal esults. It’s easy and comfotable to use and it's also convenient to put away.
Back beaking cunches ae had wok and even when you do them ight, they only get one thid of you ab muscles. But with Abstom’s unique fee wheel constuction and thee modes of esistance, it’s easy to activate you entie ab egion.
Abstom combines a complete wokout fo the uppe, lowe and latte oblique abs while also giving you a flab blasting cadio wokout.
And it’s not just designed fo woking abs, Abstom is also an easy bun and thigh tone. No need to switch to anothe machine - simply ock you thighs and shape you buns with an easy Abstom twist!
You eceive:
- Gymfom Abstom
- The Abstom Fitness Manual - a guide to losing inches aound you waist in just minutes a day
- Healthy eating guide - that will help you speed up you pogess towads the abs you’ve always wanted
- FREE fitness adio
Reduxelle Night Reducing Ceam - Reduxelle is an intensive educing night ceam fo both men and women that tagets difficult aeas such as the thighs, hips, buttocks and tummy. It's a geat addition to any execise plan as it sculpts you body whilst you sleep!. Its active ingedients fight against localized fat and the appeaance of cellulite whilst visibly smoothing the skin’s appeaance. Simply apply Reduxelle at night befoe bed by massaging into the skin. Reduxelle goes to wok while you’e asleep - when the skin is moe eceptive, to achieve moe visible esults.