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    产品名称:婵后·仙柔丹津元套盒(二合一)规格:津元·御白抽色霜+津元·舒敏修复霜1、津元·御白抽色霜Complex Whitening﹠FadingCeam 独含韩方仙柔丹和精气补率丹,宫廷美白秘方----五香七白散提升美白效果,集中改善肤色,续随子(phytoclea EL-1)不仅淡化皮肤表面上黄褐斑与黑斑,还去除皮肤中已经形成的黑色素,具强化美白效能的浓缩稳定维他命C及少新色斑的产生,使暗沉、失去活力的皮肤迅速变得光滑亮丽,白皙通透。 使用方法:取适量,轻柔地涂抹于整个面部(斑集中处加强涂抹),用双手包裹住整个面部,使其充分被吸收。 South Koea alone with Sally and Sophie Dan Dan essence fill ate, the secet cout Whitening White Powde ---- Spiced seven whitening effects to enhance and focus to impove the colo, continued with the son (phytoclea EL-1) is not only dilute the skin suface Chloasma and blotches, but also to emove the skin has been the fomation of melanin, whitening pefomance is enhanced stability of concentated vitamin C and less emegence of a new stain to, loss of vitality of the skin quickly becomes smooth beautiful, tanslucent white.Usage: check appopiate, gently applied to the entie face (spot focus has stengthened smea), with both hands the whole pacel to live face to be absobed fully.2、津元·舒敏修复霜ComplexSoothing﹠RepaiingCeam含有净化皮肤的白金纳米水,充分给皮肤补充水分,修复肌肤天然保护屏障,舒缓镇静肌肤,改善红肿、过敏现象。独特韩方仙柔丹和精气补率丹,给皮肤注入如氧气般清新的活力,是皮肤恢复显润柔嫩的状态。使用方法:取适量,轻柔地涂抹于整个面部,用双手包裹住整个面部,使其充分被吸收。Containing platinum nano skin puifying wate, the full complement of wate to the skin, epai the skin of natual potective baies, sedative to elieve skin to impove the swelling, allegic phenomenon. South Koea Sally Sophie unique essence Dan and Dan pemium ates, such as oxygen to the skin like a fesh injection of vitality, ae emakable un to estoe the skin soft state.Usage: check appopiate, gently applied to the entie face, with both hands the whole pacel to live face to be absobed fully. 温馨提示: 使用程序: (早用) 津元 清颜防斑洁面乳 → 津元 御白神采精华液 → 津元 御白抽色霜→津元 润白遮瑕霜 (夜用) 津元 清颜防斑洁面乳 → 津元 御白抽色霜 → 津元 舒敏修复霜 韩国禅真化妆品株式会社 授权 生产者:广州由美化妆品有限公司 实际生产地:中国广州 地址:广州市白云区新市罗岗第七经济工业区厂房 生产许可证:XK16-108 6078 卫生许可证:(2003)卫妆准字29-XK-2397号 特殊许可证:卫妆特字(2003)第0887号 执行标准:QB/T1857-2004 温馨提示,买家必看!顾客须知!皮肤过敏的处理:有些人忘记做皮肤过敏试验的,出现浮肿疼痛的过敏现象,请马上停止使用化妆品,到医院就诊;或者自己到药店买一瓶"外涂就行,严重的还要口服抗过敏药物,如扑尔敏、息斯敏、敏敌等,服用方法详见说明书或咨询医生药师.



